Pioneer Park
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
Envision has worked with L&A Trad limited to develop the sustainability and energy strategy for a comprehensive redevelopment, forming part of the Bromley by Bow South Masterplan.
Envision has supported the scheme through planning, which was submitted in August to the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) and which was referable to the GLA.
The project involves the demolition of existing buildings and the development of a mixed-use scheme to include five buildings, ranging between 3 and 14 storeys in height for up to 407 residential units, with a further 340 sqm of employment space and 270 square metres of retail space.
Envision prepared the sustainability and energy statement for the application, which is referable to the GLA. The scheme includes a central combined heat and power scheme. Envision worked with the energy consultants for the neighbouring landowners to define a framework for a shared energy strategy/
Envision also undertook stage 2 MEP design, including designing the flue height to inform the building massing and informing the air quality neural assessment.
The buildings are being designed to BREEAM Very Good and achieve a minimum of 35% below building regulations.
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
The Industrial warehouse development at Kingston Park South, Peterborough is part of phase 2 of a wider…