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Super Materials Recovery Facility, Brent

Client: Seneca Environmental Solutions Ltd

Location: Brent, London

Envision was appointed by Seneca Environmental Solutions Ltd to prepare a sustainability strategy for its material recover facility in West London.

Seneca is a leading waste and resource recovery company specialising in the production of refused derived fuel (RDF). In October 2010, the site received planning permission from Brent Council to build a ‘Super Materials Recycling Facility’ at Hannah Close in Neasden, a few hundred yards from Wembley Stadium. The facility sorts material for reuse before compacting the remaining materials to generate energy from waste. Members of the Envision team supported the project through the planning process and have continued to work with Seneca to develop a sustainability strategy for the facility. The building achieves a BREEAM Very Good rating against the refurbishment criteria. Envision also undertook an energy assessment to assess the benefit of a lighting replacement would have for energy performance. The facility included extensive energy sub metering, water efficient measures, including rainwater harvesting for dust suppression, landscaping, ecological enhancements including bat boxes and community art.

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