Pioneer Park
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a 25km-long sewer tunnel under construction to tackle the tens of millions of tonnes of sewage pollution that pours into the River Thames every year.
It is being delivered by Tideway, an independent regulated water company and is the largest project in the water sector since the construction of Sir Joseph Bazalgette’s interceptor sewers in the 1860s.Tideway began operating as an independent regulated water company in August 2015 when Ofwat awarded it a Licence to design, build, commission and maintain the TTT.
The Sustainability Statement, which was submitted as part of the Thames Tideway Tunnel’s Development Consent Order (DCO) application set out a strong Legacy Plan, which contains 15 objectives under 11 thematic areas used to appraise the sustainability performance of the project. As part of the projects consent to build and its public commitment was an intention to demonstrate Industry Innovation within Infrastructure Sector (SD9) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG12). Through these Sustainable Development Goals the Project committed to working with the BRE on the emerging BREEAM Infrastructure Pilot.
As experienced BREEAM consultants, Envision has been proud to help the project progress through the Strategic Assessment Stage by undertaking a retrospective analysis and assessment of the project against the standard. Through the extensive review Tideway has been awarded a Strategic Assessment Certificate and score of 25 out of the available 40 credits. This equates to a 62.5% putting the project on course to achieve a Very Good rating.
Although the BREEAM pilot study is now complete through its involvement with Tideway Envision staff have been seconded by the BRE to assist with finalising the new standard which is due for industry release in May 2019.
Through the Tideway Green Bond Framework the project will continue to assess sustainability delivery of the project. It is committed to annual reporting against the 15 Sustainable Development Objectives set out in its Legacy Plan and has committed to continued dialogue with the BRE as it develops the new infrastructure standard. Envision and Tideway will therefore continue to collaborate with BRE sharing knowledge, innovation and best practice experience for the benefit of the whole infrastructure sector.
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
The Industrial warehouse development at Kingston Park South, Peterborough is part of phase 2 of a wider…