Pioneer Park
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
Envision was appointed to undertake a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of a draft Development Brief for the Wilton Park site, in Beaconsfield, South Bucks. Wilton Park is a 37.5 hectare site located just to the east of Beaconsfield in the Green Belt. Home to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) School of Languages until the School closed in 2014, the whole site was sold by the MOD’s Defence Infrastructure Organisation in May 2014. The SA work informed the proposals within the site’s Development Brief, which promotes a mixed use development comprising housing and commercial floorspace, alongside recreation and open space.
The development is made up of two and three storey enterprise buildings, including external works and landscaping….
The Industrial warehouse development at Kingston Park South, Peterborough is part of phase 2 of a wider…